[Notice] Plug-in that sets WordPress to be in SSL-enabled state now available on Sakura Internet
Posted: May 11, 2017
Sakura internet has issued the following announcements. For details, please see the website below.
■さくらのレンタルサーバ WordPress常時SSL化プラグイン提供開始のお知らせ
(Sakura’s Rental Server now provides plug-in that puts WordPress in an SSL-enabled state)
For details on how to use the plug-in, please see the support information provided by Sakura internet.
- さくらのサポート情報 > 【WordPress】常時SSL化プラグインの使い方 ([WordPress] How to use plug-in that sets up SSL-enabled mode)
https://help.sakura.ad.jp/hc/ja/articles/115000047641 (available only in Japanese) - さくらのサポート情報 > 【WordPress】常時SSL化プラグイン トラブルシューティング ([WordPress] Troubleshooting for SSL-enabling plug-in)
https://help.sakura.ad.jp/hc/ja/articles/115000051662 (available only in Japanese)